Jumat, 20 September 2019

School Chalk Production - Simple Process Involved (How To Make Huge Profit)


 Last month, one of our guest authors wrote an article on how to make over N120, 000 monthly from the production and sale of school chalk to schools. In that previous article, he only highlighted the investment opportunities thrive in school chalk production without any information about the process of school chalk production. Due to the incessant requests from our library readers to publish a more detailed article on school chalk production, I decided to package a more detailed piece. In this article, I am going to teach you the step by step guide of how to produce school chalk in the comfort of your home and sell to schools for huge profit.

It is no doubt that school chalk production is very lucrative in Nigeria because of the ever increasing number of public and private schools nationwide. This is in accordance with one of the agenda of the present administration which is to make education available and affordable to every citizen. This has significantly increased demand of school chalk within the last 10 years. To meet up with this increased demand, individuals and corporate organizations have delved into school chalk production and supply with a bid to balancing the demand and supply chain. This has not been successful, as schools keep springing up on daily basis while the demand keeps skyrocketing. This has created a very big investment opportunity especially for individuals who intend to go into small scale chalk production business.

It is a well known fact that school chalk production is a very simple and straight forward process. Anybody can learn this skill and apply it effectively without supervision. Because of this, school chalk production has been integrated into the curriculum of almost every skill acquisition center in Nigeria. School chalk production can be done from the comfort of your home. Interested individuals do not need to establish a big factory to achieve Chalk Production. The major equipment for school chalk production is the Chalk Mould which is primarily used for molding the chalk to give it its characteristic shape, size, and length.

1.      The Plaster of Paris (POP): The POP is the major raw material for school chalk production. Plaster of Paris (POP) is a white powder; scientifically called “Calcium Carbonate” that when mixed with water, forms a quick-hardening paste. It is used in the arts for sculpting and making casts, and in medicine for molding casts around broken limbs.
2.      Lubricants: Another important raw material for school chalk production is Lubricants. It could be any cooking oil or coconut oil, mixed with Kerosene. It is used for lubricating the Chalk Mould to prevent the POP from sticking to it.
3.      Clean Water: Water is also a vital element in school chalk production; this is because it is used for mixing all the ingredients.
4.      Ultramarine Blue (Optional): Ultramarine Blue is used to give the chalk a dark blue or sky blue colour depending on its concentration. If you intend to produce only white chalk, then you wouldn’t need to add ultramarine blue.

1.      Chalk Mould: This tool is the major equipment needed for School Chalk Production. It is made of rubber or metal but usually with a wooden frame. The moulds defer according to the number of holes or cavities they have. Some could have 240 holes or even more. The number of holes or cavities a chalk mould has determines the number of chalk sticks it can produce at a time.
2.      Scraper: This tool is a flat metal object used for scraping the surface of the Chalk Mould.
3.      Paint Brush: Paint Brush is used for applying the lubricant on the mould before filling it up with POP
4.      Dryer: The dryer is basically used for drying the chalk after it has been removed from the mould. The drier is electrically operated and is mostly used in large scale school chalk production. For small scale school chalk production, sun drying is perfect for the purpose and saves cost.
5.      Hand Glove: This is basically used for protecting the hand during the mixing of the POP and water.
6.      Packaging Materials: These include nylon bags and branded carton packs.

STEP1 Pour some POP into a container, preferably a bucket, and add water. Use your hand to mix the POP with the water until it forms a paste.
STEP2 Using the paint brush lubricates the surface of the chalk mould properly with a solution of cooking oil + kerosene, to prevent the POP from sticking to the mould.
STEP3 Arrange the mould, then pour the pasty mixture into it and allow it for 15 to 20 minutes to solidify before loosening the mould.
STEP4 When you are sure that the chalk has formed, loose the mould and collect the chalk produced for sun drying or through mechanical dryer.
STEP5 After sun drying for 2 to 3 days, package the chalk in branded carton packs and your school chalk is ready for sale.

For individuals who might be interested in starting school chalk production business but have no skill, I recommend that they get my e-book titled “Chalk Start-Up Guide”. This Guide is guaranteed to give a detailed step by step explanation to achieve your goal and will grant you access to my List of Chalk Mould Dealers addresses and phone numbers across Nigeria where you can purchase Top Quality Chalk Mould Machine. It will also grant you access to Chalk Production Trainers across Nigeria where you can get First-Hand Training on Chalk Production. This “Chalk Start-Up Guide” will cost you N1500. To purchase this e-book Contact Us or you can reach us at martinslibrary1@gmail.com.

I hope this article helps, please share this article with friends and family. Do you have any suggestions or contributions to make? Leave us a comment in the comment box below.

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