Kamis, 22 Agustus 2019

Youwin Question / Answer Templete: Download For First And Second Stage Winners

Hello readers, I believe you all got a mail from YouWin written below

Dear Mercy Donald (ID: 98589846),

Kindly login and download the editable version of the second stage financial template.

Fill all required fields and uploads before submitting your second stage application.

Thank You

Participation in YouWiN! is FREE for all components of the program, and has not authorized any individual or organization to collect payments for participation. Candidates and awardees are advised to make no payments to anybody on account of YouWiN! participation and are required to immediately contact the secretariat should anyone request payment


YouWiN Programme.

Please note that this email is sent without prejudice to the prerogative
of the Federal Government of Nigeria to withdraw, terminate or modify the
YouWiN Programme at any time without notice to you.

Check the YouWiN! Website, social media links and emails regularly for
information and updates on the YouWiN! Program

This is how the templete looks like, note that you also see explanations on how to answer the question: 

Application Progress

    Type of business
Type of business

    Is this a anjuran for a new or existing business?
    New business
    Existing business

    When did your company start trading commercially?
    Less than 1 year ago
    1-2 years ago
    2+ years ago

    Description of business
 What is your industry?
Building and Construction materials

    Animal farming
    Crop farming
    Food & Restaurant
    Building and Construction materials
    Chemicals, industrial materials
    Clothing, shoes and other personal items
    Equipment, Machinery, Metal
    Food and Drinks
    Furniture, Wood Products
    Other (Specify)
    Accounting, Finance and Management
    Auto, electronics, others
    Engineering, Building and Construction
    IT and Telecommunication
    Media and Entertainment
    Other Professional

Other industry
Explain the type of business you're in. Provide a short summary of your business and outline the products and services that you plan to deliver.This is about the establishment of a quarry mine where large deposits of stone/granites will be blasted and crushed into 'chippings' of varying sizes/stone/granites used for road construction, individual and govt buildings etcWords used: 33/200
Describe your top three business objectives for the next 12 months.

    Management team
Management team
Describe the benefit that you and your proposed staff will bring to the business, including expertise (technical), track record (practical) and any relevant pembinaan in the Industry.Words used: 0/200
State any management experience you have gained, outlining areas of responsibility.Words used: 0/100

How many full-time people will be newly employed in your business during the first 12 months after receiving a grant award?
How many additional casual staff will be employed in your business during the first 12 months after receiving a grant award ?
How many "person-days" in total will be worked by casual staff during the first 12 months after receiving a grant award? Assume one person working full time for 6 months would work 125 person-days

    Full time staff
You have indicated that you will not employ any full time staff. Update the number of employees

    Operations management
Operations management
Describe each step of the operations or production process for your business.Words used: 0/200
Describe the three main success factors necessary to thrive in your industry (e.g. suppliers, networks, low cost, diverse customer base, production capacity). Give examples for each.Words used: 0/200
Do you need to hold manufactured product / prototypes prior to undertaking this process? If so, describe what is required.Words used: 0/50

    If you plan to manufacture or supply a product, state estimated loss of production (as a percentage of turnover) due to normal production wastage.
    Not applicable

Is there an existing or expected lead time for set-up, manufacture, harvest or breeding? If yes, give the estimated lead times for each product or service.Words used: 0/50
Describe the main materials, equipment or expertise that you will need to create your product or service. State their availability, location and price. Provide any additional relevant information.Words used: 0/200
Do you or your distributors need to hold finished product (stock) prior to sales being achieved? What percentage of your sales do you need to hold as stock, on average?Words used: 0/50
Do you package a product? If so, state if this is an in-house or outsourced operation.Words used: 0/50
Which types of people will be selling your product or service e.g. sales, technical staff, agents, distributors, direct etc.?Words used: 0/50

    Competitor analysis

Explain why your product or service is so good that people will buy from you at a price that will give you a sufficient return (your competitive advantage)? Give two examples.Words used: 0/200
Name your three likely competitors and state their strengths. Which, if any, have a localised presence or distributor network?Words used: 0/100
Describe three weaknesses that might affect the success of your business. How do you plan to minimise the effect of these risks?Words used: 0/100

    Market analysis and marketing plan
Market analysis and marketing plan
Describe how you intend to achieve knowledge of the market place for your products and service.Words used: 0/50
What are your marketing costs as a percentage of sales.
What makes each type of customer important to your business?Words used: 0/50
Name six of your existing or expected top customers. State if you have an existing business relationship with them.Words used: 0/100
Describe how you will market your products and services e.g. through sales, technical staff, agents, distributors, direct etc.Words used: 0/200
Detail any marketing activity that you are planning to undertake and provide two specific examples of the methods employed to reach key customers.Words used: 0/100
State how you plan to measure the effectiveness of your marketing activity if applicable.Words used: 0/50
What incentives have you offered, or plan to offer, to distributors / sales agents to encourage them to do good business for you (e.g. commissions, discounts)? State if this is industry normal for a business of your size and age.Words used: 0/50

    Sales and revenue targets
Sales and revenue targets
After receiving the grant award, what level of sales will you achieve over the next three, six and then twelve months? Ensure that you consider set-up, lead times and seasonality effects.
three monthsAmount in Naira, enter numbers only; if none, enter: 0
six monthsAmount in Naira, enter numbers only; if none, enter: 0
twelve monthsAmount in Naira, enter numbers only; if none, enter: 0
State your annual turnover in Naira for the past three trading years (if applicable). If none, enter 0
last yearAmount in Naira, enter numbers only; if none, enter: 0
two years agoAmount in Naira, enter numbers only; if none, enter: 0
three years agoAmount in Naira, enter numbers only; if none, enter: 0

    Costs targets
Costs targets
Outline Capital equipment required and associated cost (e.g. machinery, land, building)Words used: 0/100
What are the Operating expenses (e.g. wages, raw materials, stock) for the first year after receiving the award?Words used: 0/100
Outline any set-up cost needed for new start / expansion (e.g. pre-start, installation, accreditation, training).Words used: 0/100
What is the minimum equipment cost that is necessary to commence trading or expand your business.Amount in Naira, enter numbers only; if none, enter: 0
How much money do you plan to take out of the business personally (average amount per month)?Amount in Naira, enter numbers only; if none, enter: 0

    Operational capital targets
Operational capital targets
What is the average value (in Naira) of raw materials needed in the business to support production?Amount in Naira, enter numbers only; if none, enter: 0
What payment terms from your customers are you likely to have for the next 6 months? Is this the Industry Normal for a business of your size/age. If not, explain why?Words used: 0/50
What payment terms have you negotiated or expect to achieve from your suppliers for the next 6 months? Is this the Industry norm for a business of your size/age. If not please explain why. Words used: 0/50

What amount of sales (in Naira) per month, must you achieve to reach profitability?Amount in Naira, enter numbers only; if none, enter: 0
How many months after receiving your first grant award do you expect to achieve this?

What amount of grant funds are you seeking from YouWiN?Amount in Naira, enter numbers only; if none, enter: 0
What percentage of this will be Capital Expenditure?
What percentage of this will be Working Capital? Note that the amount of working capital must be sufficient to fund operating expenses for a growing business and is typically 30% of available funds (including personal and external funding)
How much additional funding do you require or expect to need from other sources (e.g. Investors, bank loans, etc.)?Amount in Naira, enter numbers only; if none, enter: 0
State the progress of any loan applicationWords used: 0/50
How much money will you or your family and friends contribute to the business in the next twelve months?Amount in Naira, enter numbers only; if none, enter: 0

    Financial planning
Financial planning
As part of this application you must upload the standard financial summary sheet provided (Excel based).

    Before inputting any information in the summary template (white boxes only), it is essential that you read the instructions thoroughly
    The headings in the template cover the majority of business expenses that are likely to occur. However, should additional expenses be relevant to your specific business, please insert the amount in the space provided under Other costs.
    Remember your YouWiN! award is disbursed in stages. As a guide, up to a maximum of 70% of the total grant is typically awarded for the first two stages with the residual disbursement linked to your business performance.
    Complete the previous 12 months Profit and Loss data (Enter zero if a New Start).
    Complete the opening and closing stock figures (Enter zero if a New Start)
    Complete Prepayment and Accruals figures so adjustments can be made for business costs/expenses relating to other financial periods.
    Complete the adjustment boxes which will calculate the sales turnover in the 12 month accounting period for the Profit and Loss forecast.
    The Profit and Loss figures are populated directly from the summary template and can therefore be used to cross-reference and check both your data inputs and the expected performance of your business.
    Remember there is a difference between profit achieved and cash generated - attention must be given to ensure that the cash position in your business must always be positive!

Download the template spreadsheet
Attach your completed financial planning spreadsheet below or skip to the next page and attach the spreadsheet later

    Additional information
Additional information
Add any additional information / comments that you feel may be relevant and useful with this applicationWords used: 0/100

    More about your business
Appendix: More about your business

This page is intended to collect some additional details about your background and past experience, which will be useful for us to understand better who is applying for the YouWin competition, and how to better serve your needs. It is important that you answer these questions.
More about your business and business background Business Name Date in which the business was set up (MM/YYYY) /
Business Location

CityWords used: 0/20 


    Akwa Ibom
    Cross River


    Afikpo North
    Afikpo South
    Ezza North
    Ezza South

    Which stage did you reach of last year's competition?
    Not applicable - I did not take part last year
    I applied for round 1, but was not selected for business plan training
    I was selected for business plan training, but did not attend
    I attended business plan training, but did not submit a business plan
    I attended business plan pembinaan and submitted a business plan, but was not selected as a winner
    I was selected as a winner

Before the You Win competition, have you ever attended a course which covers any of the following information?

    Business accounting  Yes No
    Marketing  Yes No
    Computer skills  Yes No
    Vocational pembinaan (e.g. pembinaan to be a hairdresser, builder, etc.)  Yes No

Please select from this drop-down sajian the sector that your current business (for existing owners) or planned business (for start-ups) will be in:

    Business & employment status
Appendix: Business & employment status

This page is intended to collect some additional details about your background and past experience, which will be useful for us to understand better who is applying for the YouWin competition, and how to better serve your needs. It is important that you answer these questions.
Your Employment status Are you currently employed outside of your proposed business?  Yes No

Part time or full time? 

What industry are you employed in? 

How many years of work experience do you have? 
Your Business Status Do you currently own a business? Own a business  Yes No
Who works for you?

How many full time workers does your business currently employ?

How many temporary and casual workers does your business currently employ?

How many workers with the following qualifications does your business currently employ?

    No education 
    Primary education 
    Secondary education 
    Tertiary education 

List any co-owners, if any, and the ownership distribution (e.g., percentage ownership).Words used: 0/100 
Business Registration Is your business currently registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission?  Yes No
If Yes, which of the following category best describes your business registration status:

    Limited liability company
    Business name

Business Finance

How much tax did you pay last year?Amount in Naira, enter numbers only; if none, enter: 0   

Does your business currently have a loan from any of the following?
Bank  Yes No Microfinance organization  Yes No Cooperative society  Yes No
Challenges to your business

What are your major challenges to running your own business?
Lack of funds to start a business  Yes No Lack of the required skills  Yes No Lack of business experience  Yes No Lack of interest in business  Yes No

Other challenges
Words used: 0/250

    Family details
Appendix: Family details

This page is intended to collect some additional details about your background and past experience, which will be useful for us to understand better who is applying for the YouWin competition, and how to better serve your needs. It is important that you answer these questions.
About Your life

Marital Status: 

How many children do you have?

How many brothers do you have?

How many sisters do you have?

What is the main language you speak at home:

    Other (specify):

Standard of Living

How many of the following items does your household own?
Sewing machines    
Gas cookers    
Stoves (electric)    
Stoves gas (table)    
Stoves (kerosene)    
Air conditioners    
Washing machines    
Electric clothes dryers    
Cars and other vehicles    
Hi-fis (sound systems)    
TV sets    
DVD Players    
Satellite Dishes    
Does your household have an internet connection in the house?  Yes No Does any member of your household own any agricultural land?  Yes No
Foreign Travel

Have you ever worked or studied abroad? Yes No

How many years have you spent living abroad?

What is the country you have spent most time abroad in?

    Personality profile
Appendix: Personality profile

This page is intended to collect some additional details about your background and past experience, which will be useful for us to understand better who is applying for the YouWin competition, and how to better serve your needs. It is important that you answer these questions.
Personality Profile

We are interested in why you want to run your own business instead of being in salaried work. For each of the following, tell us how important it is for you wanting to run your own business rather than being employed for a salary

    The possibility to care for children or other family members while I work
    To be my own boss and not have to rely on others
    Flexibility in hours of work
    The possibility to earn more money
    Difficulty in finding a wage job
    The possibility that my business will grow in the future
    Running my own business is less boring/more exciting than salary/wage work

How confident are you that you can carry out the following tasks:

    Sell a new product or service to a new client
    Find and hire good employees to expand your business
    Obtain a good price for buying business inputs
    Persuade a bank to lend you Money to start your business
    Estimate accurately the costs of a new Project
    Manage an employee who is not a family member
    Correctly value your business if you wanted to sell it
    Resolve a difficult dispute with a business client in another city
    Identify when it is time to stop making or selling a product that is not selling well

    Contact details
Appendix: Contact details

We would also like to be able to contact you during this competition and in the future to find out how you are progressing. For these reasons, can you please provide contact details for two friends or family members who would know how to contact you even if you move and change your phone number or email address:
Contact Details
Contact 1 Name:
Relationship to you:
Contact phone number:
Contact email:
Contact address:
Contact 2 Name:
Relationship to you:
Contact phone number:
Contact email:
Contact address:

    Confirm Application

Review and Submit

Once you submit your application, you will not be able to make any more changes

Your application is not yet complete!
The red links on the left, show which pages you must complete.
Then return to this page to submit your completed application.

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